- we’ll see the similarities and differences between <?> and <? extends Object> in Java Generics.
Wildcards(=?) in Generics
A question mark, or wildcard, is used in generics to represent an unknown type.
It can have three forms:
1. Unbounded Wildcards
List<?> represents a list of unknown type
2. Upper Bounded Wildcards
List<? extends Number> represents a list of Number or its sub-types such as Integer and Double
3. Lower Bounded Wildcards
List<? super Integer> represents a list of Integer or its super-types Number and Object
Now, since Object is the inherent super-type of all types in Java,
we would be tempted to think that it can also represent an unknown type.
In other words,
List<?> and List<Object> could serve the same purpose.
But they don’t.
Let’s consider these two methods:
public static void printListObject(List<Object> list) {
for (Object element : list) {
System.out.print(element + " ");
public static void printListWildCard(List<?> list) {
for (Object element: list) {
System.out.print(element + " ");
- Given a list of Integers, say:
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
- printListObject(list) will not compile, and we’ll get this error:
java: incompatible types: java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> cannot be converted to java.util.List<java.lang.Object>
- Whereas printListWildCard(list) will compile and will output 1 2 3 to the console.
In the above example,
if we change the method signature for printListWildCard to:
public static void printListWildCard(List<? extends Object> list)
It would function in the same way as printListWildCard(List<?> list) did.
This is due to the fact that Object is a supertype of all Java objects,
and basically everything extends Object.
So, a List of Integers gets processed as well.
In short, it means that <?> and <? extends Object> are synonymous in this example.
While in most cases that would hold true, but there are a few differences as well.
Reifiable types are those whose type is not erased at compile time.
In other words, a non-reifiable type’s runtime representation will have less information
than its compile-time counterpart, because some of it’ll get erased.
As a general rule, parameterized types are not reifiable.
This means List<String> and Map<Integer, String> are not reifiable.
The compiler erases their type and treats them as a List and Map respectively.
The only exception to this rule is unbounded wildcard types.
This means List<?> and Map<?,?> are reifiable.
On the other hand,
List<? extends Object> is not reifiable.
While subtle, this is a notable difference.
So we can summary it like this
## Reifiable
List<?> and Map<?,?> are reifiable.
## Not Reifiable
List<String> and Map<Integer, String>
List<? extends Object>
Non-reifiable types cannot be used in certain situations
such as in an instanceof operator or as elements of an array.
So, if we write:
// Success
List someList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean instanceTest = someList instanceof List<?>;
This code compiles and instanceTest is true.
But, if we use the instanceof operator on List<? extends Object>:
// Fail
List anotherList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean instanceTest = anotherList instanceof List<? extends Object>;
then line 2 does not compile.
Similarly, in the below snippet, line 1 compiles, but line 2 doesn’t
// Success
List<?>[] arrayOfList = new List<?>[1];
// Fail
List<? extends Object>[] arrayOfAnotherList = new List<? extends Object>[1]
While mostly similar,
there are subtle differences between the two in terms of their being reifiable or not.