191. Number of 1 Bits
Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of '1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight).
Input: n = 00000000000000000000000000001011
Output: 3
Explanation: The input binary string 00000000000000000000000000001011 has a total of three '1' bits.
Code (20. 11. 28)
class Solution {
// you need to treat n as an unsigned value
public int hammingWeight(int n) {
int ans = 0;
int mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // [1]
if ((n & mask) != 0) {
mask <<= 1;
return ans;
[1] : unsigned integer라서 32번만 for loop를 돌면서 체크하면 된다.
=> 4 bytes = 32 Bit
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