24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head. You must solve the problem without modifying the values in the list's nodes (i.e., only nodes themselves may be changed.)
Input: head = [1,2,3,4]
Output: [2,1,4,3]
[1] Code (22. 03. 20) (x)
// Runtime: 0 ms
// Memory Usage: 39.9 MB
// Ref : https://leetcode.com/submissions/detail/663391750
class Solution {
public ListNode swapPairs(ListNode head) {
if (head == null || head.next == null) {
return head;
ListNode temp = new ListNode();
temp.next = head;
head = head.next;
while (temp.next != null && temp.next.next != null) {
ListNode node1 = temp.next;
ListNode node2 = temp.next.next;
node1.next = node2.next;
node2.next = node1;
temp.next = node2;
temp = temp.next.next;
return head;
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