I have a question:
What is the difference between corePoolSize and maxPoolSize in the Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor?
Let’s find out the correct answer to the question
CorePoolSize & MaxPoolSize
CorePoolSize is the minimum number of threads used by the pool
The number can increase up to MaxPoolSize
When the load goes down
the pool will shrink back to CorePoolSize
If the CorePoolSize if very high
there can a high chance that many of your threads from pool are remaining unused for certain period
since for every request new thread gets created until it reaches MaxPoolSize
We will see many examples
But the concept is the same.
Therefore if only one example is understood, you can pass the rest.
Case 1.
If the load is too high and queueCapacity is full
the new executor threads will be created unless the maxPoolSize is reached.
These additional threads will expire as soon as the queue is empty.
If the corePoolSize is exhausted
queueCapacity is full and maxPoolSize is also reached
then the new submitteds tasks will be rejected and called will get an exception.
Case 2.
- thread pool size = 1
- core pool size = 5
- max pool size = 10
- the queue is = 100
As requests come in,
threads will be created up to 5
and then tasks will be added to the queue
until it reaches 100.
When the queue is full
new threads will be created up to maxPoolSize.
Once all the threads are in use
and the queue is full
tasks will be rejected.
As the queue reduces
so does the number of active threads.
Case 3.
ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize,
long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue)
ThreadPoolExecutor executorPool =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(5, 10, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(50));
5 is the corePoolSize :
means Jvm will create new thread for new task for first 5 tasks.
and other tasks will be added to the queue
until queue is getting full (50 tasks).
10 is the maxPoolSize :
JVM can create max 10 threads.
Means ( if there are already 5 task && thread is running && queue is full with 50 pending tasks )
and if one more new request/task is arriving in queue
then JVM will create new thread up to 10 (total threads = previous 5 + new 5);
new ArrayBlockingQueue(50) = Total queue size :
it can queue 50 tasks in it.
once all 10 threads are running
and if new task is arriving then that new task will be rejected.
if ( the number of threads < CorePoolSize )
create a new Thread to run a new task
if ( the number of threads >= CorePoolSize )
put the task into the queue
if ( the queue is full && the number of threads < MaxPoolSize )
create a new thread to run tasks in
if ( the queue is full && the number of threads >= MaxPoolSize )
reject the task