Gidhub BE Developer

Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor에서 CorePoolSize과 MaxPoolSize 개념 알아보기




  • I have a question:

    What is the difference between corePoolSize and maxPoolSize in the Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor?

  • Let’s find out the correct answer to the question

CorePoolSize & MaxPoolSize

  • CorePoolSize is the minimum number of threads used by the pool

    The number can increase up to MaxPoolSize

  • When the load goes down

    the pool will shrink back to CorePoolSize


  • If the CorePoolSize if very high

    there can a high chance that many of your threads from pool are remaining unused for certain period

    since for every request new thread gets created until it reaches MaxPoolSize


  • We will see many examples

    But the concept is the same.

  • Therefore if only one example is understood, you can pass the rest.

Case 1.

  • If the load is too high and queueCapacity is full

    the new executor threads will be created unless the maxPoolSize is reached.

  • These additional threads will expire as soon as the queue is empty.

  • If the corePoolSize is exhausted

    queueCapacity is full and maxPoolSize is also reached

    then the new submitteds tasks will be rejected and called will get an exception.

Case 2.

- thread pool size = 1 
- core pool size = 5 
- max pool size = 10   
- the queue is = 100
  • As requests come in,

    threads will be created up to 5

    and then tasks will be added to the queue

    until it reaches 100.

  • When the queue is full

    new threads will be created up to maxPoolSize.

  • Once all the threads are in use

    and the queue is full

    tasks will be rejected.

  • As the queue reduces

    so does the number of active threads.

Case 3.

ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, 
                   long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue)

ThreadPoolExecutor executorPool = 
    new ThreadPoolExecutor(5, 10, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(50));
  • 5 is the corePoolSize :

    means Jvm will create new thread for new task for first 5 tasks.

    and other tasks will be added to the queue

    until queue is getting full (50 tasks).

  • 10 is the maxPoolSize :

    JVM can create max 10 threads.

    Means ( if there are already 5 task && thread is running && queue is full with 50 pending tasks )

    and if one more new request/task is arriving in queue

    then JVM will create new thread up to 10 (total threads = previous 5 + new 5);

  • new ArrayBlockingQueue(50) = Total queue size :

    it can queue 50 tasks in it.

  • once all 10 threads are running

    and if new task is arriving then that new task will be rejected.



if ( the number of threads < CorePoolSize )
    create a new Thread to run a new task

if ( the number of threads >= CorePoolSize )
    put the task into the queue


if ( the queue is full && the number of threads < MaxPoolSize )
    create a new thread to run tasks in

if ( the queue is full && the number of threads >= MaxPoolSize )
    reject the task


